Design for the Development of Nuclear Fusion

reattore fusione nucleare

Promech-mc works with Enea (National Entity for Alternative Energies)

Promech-mc has been working withEnea since 2019 on the design of the experimental nuclear fusion reactor DTT (Divertor Tokamak Test).

Specifically our design team, in coordination with researchers from the Enea laboratory in Frascati (Roma), partecipated in the following phases:

  • Development of 3D models of Toroidal Fields: case, magnets, windings, insulation, helium connection and drawing of the feeder section and connection system
  • Development of 3D models of Poloidal fields: models of the 6 magnets, details o f the windings, insulation, helium connection and drawing of the feeder section and connection system
  • Development of preliminary 3D models of feeders connecting the current leads to magnets and magnet to magnet
  • Development of 3D models of the Vacuum Vessel: we developed several solutions in line with different assembly philosophies, detailed drawings with definition of edge preparation port and splice plate welding, and drawings of In-Vessel components fastenings
  • Development of 3D models of In-Vessel components: internal magnets, first wall, stabilising plates, cooling circuits and process and engineering diagnostics
  • Development of the 3D models of the Thermal Shield: we developed several solutions in line with different assembly philosophies and produced detailed drawings with definition of thermal and mechanical connections, definition of the insulating systems between the various panels and definition of helium tubes routing and of the preliminary P&ID
  • Development of 3D models of Vacuum Systems: connections eith Vacuum Vessel and Cryostat, vacuum lines and pumps, positioning of screw, root, turbomolecular pumps, cryopumps and evaluated NEG pumps, evaluated conductance and volumes to be handled
  • Development of preliminary 3D models of the Cryoplant, evaluated possible Cryoline routing, Valve Box distribution and definition of preliminary P&ID

The drawing produced by us have been used in tenders for components manufacturing, as such we followed the development by updating the models according to changes requested by suppliers.

The work was executed by using the software CAD CATIA.

Additionally, during the project there was a careful work of analysis and comparison with the solutions employed for the Japanese reactor JT-60 and for the ITER reactor currently under construction in France.

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